After our time in Old San Juan we headed west to spend Three Kings Day with family and to show Sean around my old stomping grounds. The west coast of Puerto Rico is the place I called home for the first 12 years of my life so it holds a very special place in my heart. I should warn you though, this is a VERY picture-heavy post.
We decided to make Isabela our base camp during our time in the west coast because of its convenient location. Perfectly located within the same distance to both grandparents' houses it became our "home" at night and for the few hours during the day we weren't at their place. I think for our next visit I want to stay here longer to truly enjoy and explore the area since this time around our schedule was so tight. Hopefully the waves will be less rough next time around so that we can check surfing off our vacation to-do list.

Grandma's beautiful orchids / Place you were most likely to find me EVERY morning before breakfast

Showing Sean my hometown's plaza was the highlight of this trip. You see, almost every Saturday evening of my childhood consisted of dad taking me and my sisters to the plaza for ice cream on a warm summer night and to admire the beautiful Christmas lights during the holidays. I got to do all those things again but this time with Sean. It was so special to me and I couldn't help but imagine sharing the same experience with my babies one day.

There isn't much photographic record of this day except for these low light/blurry pictures. After all, most of my day consisted of nonstop cooking, baking, and eating while also indulging in the fact that for the first time in thirteen years most of the family was home for the holidays. It felt so good to be back.

The day after Reyes we said goodbye to the family, promised to be back soon, and headed to our last stop in the west coast... Cabo Rojo. We checked into the cutest little motel by the beach and called it a night shortly after. Early the next morning, after a quick morning swim, we packed our things and headed out to explore the town. We came across a bakery/market where we got breakfast, a delicious cup of coffee, and some essentials for a picnic lunch at the beach, and off to my favorite lighthouse we went.

Like I said... essentials.

... and we're out!
Next stop: Ponce
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